It's like getting sand in your toes,
As unlucky as losing your watch,
It's a useless burden,
It's a spider on my mattress slowly crawling up,
There's not much time left ticking on the clock.
Annoying like an ambulance siren,
It's a human sacrifice,
It's my toys blowing up one by one,
I just can't ignore it,
But I just can't do it.
It's an explosion in my guts,
A lion raging inside me,
There's an urge inside me,
But on the outside I'm lazy,
And it's driving me crazy!
But I heave myself out of bed;
The first five seconds are like icicles on my fingertips,
I stumble to the dining table,
Slow like a sloth,
And there, perfectly laid, undisturbed...
The most delicious breakfast ever!