We have come to see
As the lockdown still goes on,
How perhaps staying at home wasn't quite so bad
As we approached it at first thought.
At first it was terrible:
Hurrying for limited supplies,
Worrying about children's education
And more.
But if asked now,
One might say it was rather enjoyable -
Breakfasts out on the balcony,
And chatting on a video call to all our friends.
We have been able to do lots more work,
Yet fit in screen time every day.
We have been spending time with friends and family,
Doing our portion of work with virtual schooling,
And still celebrating Easter and birthdays.
But one day a few years in the future,
We will look back on this past
As only a faint memory,
A wisp of smoke.
We will remember the government fighting to save the country,
No matter what the consequences were,
We will remember how we fought for the NHS,
For health and a peaceful world,
How we clapped our hearts out
Every week for our NHS heroes,
And we will remember
How we didn't give up till the final whistle.
I just edited it slightly today now.
One of my favourite and most inspirational poems ever...