Siri, Cortana, Alexa -
Which one is better?
In my computer lives a Cortana,
There's a Siri hiding in my mum's phone,
Check Painswick* - there's an eavesdropping Alexa, *where my family's holiday house is
Hundreds of thousands of songs stored inside.
Too many smart speakers,
Only one needed,
Alexa, Siri Cortana?
Lots of deciding to do,
Each has so many features,
Xylophone music, riddles and more,
Any questions you ask them they will reply.
Narrating worldwide for
Over a hundred million people,
Which one shall I choose - Siri, Cortana Alexa?
Oh Maanas, I'm old and fashioned so.
For me, a good old radio will do,
If it is good it cackles a song,
Otherwise it crackles static,
But that's what I am used to,
One way communication
like I have with Anaia and you,
My idea of fun is listening to you both,
As for Alexa & co. you are welcome
to their smart nothing.
Hint: if you read the first letters of every line in the poem, you get the message SWITCH TO ALEXA NOW. Did anyone get that?